Friday, September 10, 2004

Setlah Kemarin

1. Masalah administrasi dah beres.. walopun hasilnya gak setepat yang gw mau <=== makasih buat Pak Isra ama Pak Ichsan
2. Tugas buat MKT: done !!!!! :P <=== makasih buat Sandy ama Mbak Diy
3. Ngejar deadline proposal tesis.... (moga2 bisa)
4. Bahan buat crochet dah ngumpul
5. Bayar Kosan <==== akhirnya lunas.... (duh senangnya)

New Tasks:
1. Ada ujian re-ev buat PID (huehhh syukurr dah)<==== lo kudu belajar daon!!!!
2. Gw ngulang Advanced Transport Phenomena <==== jangan suka bolos lagi daon!!!!
3. Mo ngambil meja dan rak di rumah temen gw <==== butuh kuli neh.... anybody helpppp!!
4. Nyuci baju ama sepatu :(( <==== tugas yang paling gw benci....
5. Hr Senin nyetor tabungan <==== hari sabtu minggu, nda boleh blanja2 dolo yak... inget, blom bayar spp !!!
6. Nelpon ke rumah....(Mommyyy.. I miss u soo muuuchhh, gw pengen dipeyyukkk mommm....)
7. Besok ke pasar baru beli benang nilon <==== warna biru yakkkkk \:d/
8. Minggu depan ngerun, inget dwiku dah bela2in bikin bio-diesel......... (maen api, moga2 gw ga terbakar deh...)
9. Beli cermin yak ;) <=== biar bisa ngaca2 lagi, cermin gw yang dulu gw pelototin ampe pecah :"> :P

hiks... begitula hidup sodara2....
50% Kwajiban terselesaikan, muncul 200% tugas yang ngantri.....
wuehhhh, ndak apa-apa... mumpung gw masi idup....
Itadakimasu <== loh kok selamat makan???
(abis cuap2 penuh energi jadi laper sodara2 :"> )
bubye yak
si ya neks wik

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Things i want (have) to do :
1. finish the administration things for this season
2. run my firing nozzle using bio-oil (and finish the report before the end of this month)
3. finish my thesis proposal and present it before 16 of sept 04
4. start writing my crochet book
5. finish my crochet bag and get that cute ribbon on it :D <=== cutie sweetie old me :P

6.(almost forget)find my last project on advanced chem. reactor eng. and give it to mr. MKT by tomorroww........... (hikss.....)
7. and how about mr. DA's project? well it can wait, i'll have a three days weekend this week after these commotion subsided

Good luck for me, smoga diberi ketabahan :P

Thursday, September 02, 2004

The first Rain of this season

Tiap kali hujan turun, lagu ini jadi terngiang lagi....
Lagunya Madonna,
judul: Rain

I feel it, it's coming

Rain, feel it on my finger tips
Hear it on my window pane
Your love's coming down like....

...Rain, wash away my sorrow
Take away my pain
Your love's coming down like rain

When your lips are burning mine
And you take the time to tell me how you feel
When you listen to my words
And I know you've heard, I know it's real
Rain is what this thunder brings
For the first time I can hear my heart sing
Call me a fool but I know I'm not
I'm gonna stand out here on the mountain top
Till I feel your....

...Rain, feel it on my finger tips
Hear it on my window pane
Your love's coming down like
Rain, wash away my sorrow
Take away my pain
Your love's coming down like rain

When you looked into my eyes
And you said goodbye could you see my tears
When I turned the other way
Did you hear me say
I'd wait for all the dark clouds bursting in a perfect sky
You promised me when you said goodbye
That you'd return when the storm was done
And now I'll wait for the light, I'll wait for the sun
Till I feel your....

....Rain, feel it on my finger tips
Hear it on my window pane
Your love's coming down like
Rain, wash away my sorrow
Take away my pain
Your love's coming down like rain

Here comes the sun,
And I say, never go away

Waiting is the hardest thing
[It's strange I feel like I've known you before]
I tell myself that if I believe in you
[And I want to understand you]
In the dream of you
[More and more]
With all my heart and all my soul
[When I'm with you]
That by sheer force of will
[I feel like a magical child]
I will raise you from the ground
[Everything strange]
And without a sound you'll appear
[Everything wild]
And surrender to me, to love

Rain is what the thunder brings
For the first time I can hear my heart sing
Call me a fool but I know I'm not
I'm gonna stand out here on the mountain top
Till I feel your

Rain, I feel it, it's coming
Your love's coming down like....

nb: gw paling suka bau tanah basah, tanah yang kena hujan pertama kali setelah kemarau panjang....